Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sevilla begins!

I am now in Sevilla with my host family! My host mom's name is Juani, my host dad is Lolo and my host sister is Susana. I just got internet today! My host family is wonderful! I didn't hve interent in my room so Lolo was drilling holes and running cords through the ceiling so I could get it! And Juani's cooking is to die for. I could lose weight with all the walking I'm doing but with her food I think that will be impossible!
On our way to Sevilla we stopped in Toledo and took a tour of the city. It is an amazing place, all very ancient. I took many pictures but they don't do the real thing justice. Once we arrived, our host families were waiting for us. Juani waved down the wrong Meaghan at first but we eventually found each other. The next day we went on a bike tour of the city. This was interesting because I didn't learn to ride a bike until middle school and I haven't rode a bike since then! But it went really well and I only fell once (and that was going over a curb)! However, I came real close to hitting a couple people and a couple poles! But it was a really great tour.
We have been out on the town a couple of nights. My only problem is that I live pretty far out so getting back at night kind of sucks. But there are two great guys that live next door in my program that always go back with me so I'm safe! Nick and Marc. They're pretty good about keeping an eye on me. Tomorrow we are going to the school to take our placement test and have orientation.
For now, that's all I've got! Hasta Luego!

Left: Amy, me and Melanie on the bike tour
Right: Juani and me

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